Strengthening the meaning in life among college students: the role of self-acceptance and social support evidence from a network analysis

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Do translation universals exist at the syntactic-semantic level? A study using semantic role labeling and textual entailment analysis of English-Chinese translations Humanities and Social Sciences Communications

semantics analysis

A previous analysis of a day of print media in Denmark reported that 18% of articles were written by female journalists, again further evidence for the minority status of female journalists30. Globally, a 2020 report by the Global Media Monitoring Project showed that women reported approximately 40% of stories in traditional news media31. The relatively high proportion of female journalist contributions can be understood considering the global proportions of women in media, and the topic of parental leave is often framed as a women’s or social issue. For example, an analysis of local television stories about paid leave in the US showed that where an identifiable individual was included, these were overwhelmingly mothers (91.3%)32. Previous research has documented the significant positive impacts of meaning in life, no matter among the general or college students. However, it should be noted that even though presence of meaning and search for meaning are two components of meaning in life, the relation between presence of meaning and search for meaning is not a simply positive association.

semantics analysis

Support for the war has stayed steady in the European countries surveyed – and morale is strong in Ukraine, where ECFR has conducted polling for the first time. The research points to common ground in terms of public support for increasing weapons and semantics analysis ammunition supplies to Ukraine. On this basis, European political leaders should feel able to continue sending aid to Ukraine. The old approach was to send out surveys, he says, and it would take days, or weeks, to collect and analyze the data.

In relation to the principle of linguistic meaning conservation

As Fisher and Noble (1960) indicated, in college, students are confronted with the critical developmental tasks of achieving identity, which consist of achieving emotional independence, selecting and preparing for occupation, and exhibiting a scale of values and ethics system to live by. During this period, meaning in life can serve as an important mental resource that keeps students continuously reaching for the achievement of identity (Olstad et al., 2023). Alarmingly, it has raised ChatGPT App much attention that the loss of meaning in life, or the so-called “hollow-heart disease” is becoming increasingly prevalent among Chinese college students (Huang et al., 2022). Therefore, it is of great necessity to identify effective ways to assist college students exhibit and maintain meaning in life. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. Surprisal serves as a very useful linking hypothesis between patterns of behavior and brain response on the one hand and a single numerical quantity, namely the probability of a form.

semantics analysis

However, the language used by the media to describe and refer to entities may not be purely neutral descriptors but rather imply various associations and value judgments. According to the cognitive miser theory in psychology, the human mind is considered a cognitive miser who tends to think and solve problems in simpler and less effortful ways to avoid cognitive effort (Fiske and Taylor, 1991; Stanovich, 2009). Therefore, faced with endless news information, ordinary readers will tend to summarize and remember the news content simply, i.e., labeling the things involved in news reports. Frequent association of certain words with a particular entity or subject in news reports can influence a media outlet’s loyal readers to adopt these words as labels for the corresponding item in their cognition due to the cognitive miser effect. Unfortunately, such a cognitive approach is inadequate and susceptible to various biases. According to the “distributional hypothesis” in modern linguistics (Firth, 1957; Harris, 1954; Sahlgren, 2008), a word’s meaning is characterized by the words occurring in the same context as it.

Extract, Transform and Load our text data

As Halliday and Matthiessen (2004, p. 184–185), explained about the difference between the two process subtypes, “in a creative clause the outcome is the coming into existence of the Actor (‘intransitive’) or Goal (‘transitive’)”. Therefore, when the two subtypes transform mutually, what has not emerged may be reproduced, as it has already existed, causing great changes in the material domain of meaning. However, the higher proportion of shifts among the single type of transformative clauses means that there are just changes in the ways of the outcome change, or in most cases, the changes between transitive and intransitive verbs as a result of the different language habits.

semantics analysis

Combining multiple words into a single concept is a fundamental linguistic and conceptual operation routinely performed by people. The test requires meaningfulness judgments of 1768 noun-noun combinations that have been rated as meaningful (e.g., baby boy) or as having low meaningfulness (e.g., goat sky) by human raters. This novel test differs from existing benchmarks that rely on logical reasoning, inference, puzzle-solving, or domain expertise. We provide versions of the task that probe meaningfulness ratings on a 0–4 scale as well as binary judgments. With both versions, we conducted a series of experiments using the TWT on GPT-4, GPT-3.5, Claude-3-Optus, and Gemini-1-Pro-001. Results demonstrated that, compared to humans, all models performed relatively poorly at rating meaningfulness of these phrases.

Table 2 shows the anatomical label and Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) coordinates of ROIs, with the grand average time courses shown in Fig. 2 (Note that columns “polarity” and “stronger condition” are only defined in method B, respectively representing the relation for the dipole amplitude and the strength of the rectified amplitudes32). When searching for patterns of common activity using method A (see Materials and Methods, section on Source localization and ROI selection), 10 ROIs were identified. These ROIs represent areas where collective activity of both conditions exhibited a significant source signal to noise ratio30. Very interesting to note is that when searching for differential patterns of activation (method B), ROIs 7 and 8 (left inferior temporal gyrus and bihemispheric superior parietal lobule) were re-identified. This shows that despite a statistically significant difference in amplitudes, the combined activity of both conditions was high enough for these ROIs to exhibit a strong power compared to the baseline activity.

How to implement Syntax + Semantic analyzer in python? – ResearchGate

How to implement Syntax + Semantic analyzer in python?.

Posted: Thu, 26 Apr 2018 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Here we describe the model training workflow and application of deep learning on H&E stained samples of murine pre-cancerous lesions, segmenting the normal acini, the ductal phenotype of ADM, and dysplasia. With the rapid growth of computer vision, more specifically deep learning, novel image analysis architectures have been developed for accessing image information that is not readily observed through traditional methods. Several research groups have worked towards inter-modality image translation and have developed tools that attempt to convert medical images such as H&E stained tissue and brightfield microscopy to more detailed ones such as fluorescent immunostains15,16,17,18. The target of such models has been the direct translation of stain intensities for the purpose of constructing entirely new images. Our developed tool seeks to go further, predicting binarized masks of positive staining area and augment immunostaining by segmenting key histologic features that current stains cannot reliably differentiate. A) The tendency of shifts among different processes is that other process types tend to be changed to material and relational clauses.

Social and emotion dimensional organizations in the abstract semantic space: the neuropsychological evidence

The contrast of our result with a global sample (Haspelmath and Tadmor, 2009a), indicates that the tendency of borrowability is not a restricted, areal phenomenon. For the reason, the negative correlation to semantic change rates is an interesting phenomenon that requires further investigation. Four additional columns in the file (Supplementary Table S4), #(0|0), #(1|0), #(0|1), #(1|1), give the number of transitions used to compute the probability for each meaning of a lexeme. Most meanings in the result set have very few data points underlying the computed probability, and therefore, these numbers are of importance to clean the results. If all lexeme IDs with the same meaning are converged by the weighted arithmetic mean (proportional to the number of transitions), the resulting number of meanings is 3,442, given in the file (Supplementary Table S5).

  • (B) The expected value of sentiment in news articles related to the parental leave reform compared to the “General News” control article set.
  • Specifically, we assume that there are underlying topics when considering a media outlet’s event selection bias.
  • Second, we examined classifier performance based on each retelling’s overall semantic structure, as captured by GloVe embeddings.
  • However, despite this shortcoming of the model, we believe that it will be possible to estimate the relative frequency of different change types pertaining to meaning relations by means of this model.
  • A total of 39-dimensional microstate features were extracted as inputs to the classifier in this paper, including 16-dimensional quality features, 21-dimensional semantic features, and 12-dimensional traditional temporal features.
  • Therefore, this research comprises steps to adequately identify the challenges and open issues regarding the computational tools available for data collection, management, and sharing in low-resource environments.

Therefore, there is a compelling requirement for a more systematic exploration of the application of microstate analysis techniques in the identification of SCZ, along with the need to further substantiate the reliability and biological significance of the findings. This will serve to enhance the provision of enhanced clinical decision support for the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of SCZ. All authors contributed to drafting and editing of the manuscript and approved the final version for submission.

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Immunohistochemical stains offer a degree of specificity, but immunostaining can be labor- and time-intensive, expensive and results are often challenging to objectively quantify over broad tissue regions. In addition, tissue features of interest are not always cleanly distinguishable by immunostaining markers, and so tissue assessments can be limited by reliance on the molecular specificity of antibodies. Halliday also categorized other minor subtypes and set four delicacies to classify the material process more comprehensively. Such delicacies neutrally bring about more subtypes for material clauses compared to other processes; hence, more shifts within this process type are likely, especially in the political discourse where material processes comprise a large proportion. This is also partly why shifts within the relational process also account for a greater proportion, compared to the shifts within the other four types of processes. Secondly, material processes constitute more than 50% in both ST and TT and the large number of material clauses provide room for shifts within this process type itself.

  • The original sentence consists of two relational-intensive-attributive clauses, characterizing the features of the two Carrier Participants “事” and “功” with the Attributes “剧” and “寡”.
  • In semantic analysis, relationships include various entities, such as an individual’s name, place, company, designation, etc.
  • However, new challenges have arisen, demanding innovative approaches to collecting, managing, and publishing data.
  • It is unnecessary for specific tasks to rebuild network structure and basic neural network can be directly designed in the last layer of BERT.

From what has been discussed above, the specific ILDA implementation procedures are described as follows. (1) Preprocess all documents in the functional requirement corpus by carrying out Chinese words segmentation and deleting the Chinese stop-words. (2) Select the appropriate topic quantity K and initialize the hyper-parameters α and β. (5) The optimal topic quantity K is determined based on the proposed measurable indicator Perplexity-AverKL. Namely, multiple types of customer intentions and corresponding keywords can be obtained.

A computational analysis of crosslinguistic regularity in semantic change

Example (6) will demonstrate the sense of “achievement” that is realized by one of these verbs. This research retrieved data from the corpus of the Beijing Language and Culture University Corpus Center or BCC. First, it is presently one of the largest online corpora free of charge, covering ~9.5 billion tokens from various disciplines. Second, it is part-of-speech or POS tagged, which caters to the purpose of this research very well to highlight occurrences of nouns and verbs in the NP slot and the VP slot of the NP de VP construction. Third, data in the BCC are taken from different genres, incorporating Newspapers (2 billion), Literature (3 billion), Micro-Blog and film (0.6 billion), Classical Chinese (2 billion), and Miscellaneous (1.9 billion).

Differently, “ObS” (Objective Support) shares the strongest positive association with SFM and “UOS” (Use of Support) and “SbS” (Subjective Support) are the second and third, respectively. In addition, we implemented two complementary approaches as benchmarks to ascertain the discriminatory utility of our approach. First, we explored classifier performance when verbs’ semantic distance was established by reference to corpus-derived embeddings, as in previous PD research8.

Due to time constraints, we could study the ACPP in the first three volumes of the paper alone, leaving space for future systematic functional translation studies to explore more materials. Secondly, the identification of transitivity process types in this research is based on empirical studies and is therefore subject to a certain bias, which may potentially influence the tendencies of transitivity shifts. However, whenever there is ambiguity in determining the process type for one clause, we would put the verb or verbal group into a border unit of the sentence or even the whole passage, rather than think only of the clause itself. Halliday (2002b) suggested in this regard the use of “trinocular perspective” which involves the combination of semantics, lexicogrammar, as well as phonology and graphology. Besides, it is proven by previous research (e.g., Halliday, 2002a; Halliday and Webster, 2004) that extralinguistic factors, such as register, are also directly related to the pattern of process types.

In contrast, databases are ideal for applications that require efficient data storage, retrieval, and transaction management. They are widely used in business applications, e-commerce, finance, customer relationship ChatGPT management (CRM), and many other areas that require structured data management. The MOX2-5 activity sensor should be worn and placed in accordance with specific guidelines to ensure accurate data collection.
